Just How Effective is Flameproofing and Does it Actually Save Lives?

When a person decides he wants to take the leap and start a business, he soon realizes just how many minute details need to be attended to. There are a zillion legal, practical and safety matters in the preparation stage alone, and just as many in the maintenance and growth phases of a business as well. Fire protection and flameproofing fall under the 'safety' category, and some business owners may wonder if, even though they're required to have it done, flameproofing is really effective or just another bureaucratic hoop to jump through. Today, we want to show you just how critical it is for your business site to be flameproofed.

The general procedure for flameproofing goes like this: First, it needs to be determined which items are able to be treated with fire retardants, which ones are required to be, and which ones do not need treatments because they are already inherently flame resistant. When all that is sorted out, eligible objects are either coated with or soaked in flameproofing chemicals. How this works is that, in the event of a fire, these objects will not support combustion nor will they contribute to the spread of a fire. This helps keep a fire contained and from raging out of control. It also allows time for the fire department to respond before it turns into an utter catastrophe.

Generally speaking, no one wakes up thinking, 'Hey! I bet we'll have a fire today!' and typically, most fires are accidental. Flameproofing provides that extra layer of protection for both people and property should an accident occur. Items that are flameproofed could still change form and they may suffer damage, but they won't contribute to the intensity or spread of the fire. And because of that, valuable property along with human life can be spared.

In the U.K., a study was conducted to determine the difference that flameproofing makes. The Scientific American published an article that indicated that in fires across the U.K., the loss of life was significantly less when fire retardants were in play and flameproofing had taken place. As a result, lives were saved both at business properties and in homes.

Brooklyn Flameproofing is fully aware of how effective flameproofing is. We 100% support the claim that flameproofing saves lives and that property damage from fires is reduced where flameproofing has occurred. We have been serving all 5 boroughs of New York City as well as the Greater New York Metro area for more than 50 years, and we'd be honored to serve your business, too. If you have flameproofing needs or questions or concerns to discuss, we'd love to talk to you. Please call us today so we can connect and offer you a free, no-obligation quote as well: 800-401-5415.

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